Mental Health
Resources For Action, Advocacy, Support, And Learning

Resources For Action, Advocacy, Support, And Learning

8 min read


Guest Author

Black lives matter. Those three words should be enough.

There are no words that can make this right.

We acknowledge that we do not have the right answers, nor do we believe that it would be appropriate for us to pretend that we do.

However, we also believe that it is important to support Black communities, loved ones, and each other. We have compiled a list of resources to help you find or help provide support, advocate, and learn.

We welcome recommendations or feedback at

Donate to or get support from organizations providing mental health resources, specifically for POC

Thank you to @jesseasparks, @healthy_ish, @halfthestory, @livinlikelarz, and our community on Instagram for compiling and sharing these accounts:

Therapy and Support Groups

Health and Wellness Communities

Follow advocates for racial justice.

  • Danielle Coke (@ohhappydani) creates doodles designed to inspire justice and encourage faith.
  • Rachel Cargle (@rachel.cargle) is an educator, activist, and the founder of The Great Unlearn and The Loveland Foundation.
  • Valencia Clay (@valencia_valencia) is the author of Soundless Cries Don’t Lead to Healing: A Critical Thinking Guide to Cultural Consciousness, which serves as a resource for analyzing current events surrounding race and social justice.
  • Johnetta Elzie (@nettaaaaaaaa) is a queer activist, a writer and co-founder of Campaign Zero, and was also one of the leading forces behind the 2015 Ferguson protests.
  • Charlene Carruthers (@charlenecarruthers) is a Black, queer feminist community organizer and writer who is deeply involved with racial justice, feminist and youth leadership development movement work.
  • Adwoa Aboah (@adwoaaboah) is a British fashion model and host of the podcast, Gurls Talk, where she features different guests to talk, share, listen and take control of their lives.
  • Teresa Siagatonu (@terisasiagatonu) is a queer Samoan activist and award-winning poet, teaching artist, mental health educator, and community leader from the Bay Area.
  • Andréa Ranae Johnson (@andrearanaej) is the founder and director of Whole / Self Liberation who has dedicated her life to exploring, experimenting and clarifying how to do business in humanizing, liberatory ways.
  • The Conscious Kid (@theconsciouskid) is creating parenting and education resources through a critical race lens.
  • Layla Saad (@laylafsaad) is an author, speaker, and teacher on the topics of race, identity, leadership, personal transformation and social change.
  • Céline Semaan (@celinecelines) is a designer, advocate, writer, and founder of The Slow Factory and The Library Study Hall.

More resources for action, education, and advocacy:

A resource guide from The Helm on how to fund Black women.

Fund Black-owned businesses with iFundWomen.

A guide from The Cut on where to donate to support the struggle against police brutality.

An anti-racist guide for white people (compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker, Alyssa Klein).

Ways that the Asian community can show up for the Black community as allies (in English and Korean).

Share translations of Letters for Black Lives to help bridge a language gap for those wanting to discuss anti-blackness with their family members.

Take action to support the Black community with Black Tech for Black Lives.

Engage your community in anti-racist work through Everyday Feminism’s 6 Things White People Can Do to Reach Friends and Family Members to End Racism.

Educate yourself through Unlearning Racism: 15 Essential Anti-Racist Books For Your Reading List.

Support your colleagues.

Work with ReadySet to make your company more diverse and inclusive.

Track which top tech companies have spoken out in support of the movement.

Defining racial battle fatigue, what causes it, and what the symptoms are.

How to cope with traumatic stress when trauma happens.

How viewers can address retraumatization in TV and film.

Confronting Prejudice: How to Protect Yourself and Help Others by Pepperdine University.

A collection of resources recommended specifically for students of color by Psychology Degree Guide.

As an additional reminder, if you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please do not use this site. Take immediate action: here is a list of crisis resources for you and your loved ones.

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